Prepare your data directory
I suggest to create a data directory under the course working directory, like shown HERE. If you have not retrieved to whole data tree, create a directory, e.g. ~/mpe2018/Data, and copy there the files you find in the web directory /imprs-db/Data.
To download on your PC all the data files in the Data directory use the following wget
shell> cd ~/mpe2018 shell> wget -r -l1 -np -nH -nc --cut-dirs=1 -A html,gz,sql,csv,tsv,MYD,MYI,frm shell> ls shell> ls Data shell> rm index.html
Note that if you want existing local file to be overwritten, then you have to remove the -nc option! Otherwise just remove those you want to retrieve again. Can also just replace -nc with -N to download only files newer on the server with respect to your local ones.
To download only the data files with a given extension from the above Data directory do as follows (this is to download all the .sql files:
shell> cd ~/mpe2018 shell> wget -r -l1 -np -nH --cut-dirs=1 -A.sql shell> ls Data bsc.sql load_3XMM_DR4cat_v1.0.sql simpleBSC.sql bsc_1r.sql load_3xmmdr8cat.sql simpleBSC_1r.sql csc_query.sql load_3xmmdr8cat_slim.sql world.sql load_3XMM_DR4cat_slim_v1.1.sql messier.sql world_innodb.sql
Similarly for the files with another extension, just replace the sql after A. with the extension you want, e.g. gz to download all the gzipped files.
For convenience, the tar file soft_dirs.tar.gz contains the whole Soft tree structure.
If not done yet, download it in the ~/mpe2018 directory (or another you prefer) and untar it:
shell> cd ~/mpe2018 shell> wget shell> tar zxvf soft_dirs.tar.gz
Local data sources
- XMM DR4 and DR8 source list in CSV iand FITS format
- The Bright Star Catalogue in SQL dump format
- The Tycho2 Star Catalogue in SQL dump format
- The ASCC 2.5 Star Catalogue in SQL dump format
- The UCAC 2 Star Catalogue in MyISAM binary format
- The Planck R1 point source catalogues in FITS format
- The Rosat All Sky Survey bright source catalogue in VOTable format
- The ROSAT Catalog PSPC RX MPE Sources in VOTable format
- The ROSAT Master Catalog in VOTable format
- The ROSAT Observation Log VOTable format
- The Messier Objects Catalogue in TSV format (within DIF)
… and more.
These files are in various formats: csv, tsv, vot, fits, sql, MyISAM. Note that some .sql files are simple table creation commands, whereas others are MySQL dump files ready to be executed to create and import tables. Other SQL scripts are in /imprs-db/Soft/SQL/.
Data formats:
- CSV – comma separated values (text): the field separator is a ,
- TSV – tab separated values (text): the field separator is a Tab (also referred as ^I or \t)
- VOT – VOTable format (text): a Virtual Observatory specific XML file
- FITS – the standard format for astronomy (header text, data binary): only 1-d tables allowed.
- SQL – Structured Query Language (text): comment lines start with “-- ” or "# "
- MyISAM – a triplet of MySQL table data (binary): .MYD, MYI, .frm
Some of these files, in particular the VOTable files, were downloaded by the sites listed in next section.
External data resources
VOTable reference sites:
SDSS: SDSS DR14 Skyserver
Some example queries on the Chandra archive (split on multiple lines for clarity – see web site for more info):
shell> curl -o cx_out.vot --form coordFormat=decimal --form outputFormat=vot \ --form query='SELECT TOP 50, m.ra, m.dec, m.significance, m.flux_aper_b, m.alpha \ FROM master_source m WHERE (m.significance > 10.0 AND m.pileup_flag = 0)' \ ' u/csccli/getProperties' curl -o cx_out.txt --form coordFormat=decimal --form query=@csc_query.sql \ ''
In the first query we ask for an output file in VOTable format, while in the second we’ll get a (default) text file with fields separated by the tab character. As these are also referred as tsv files (Tab Separated Values), we could have used cx_out.tsv as output file name. The tab is the default field delimiter when importing text files in MySQL!
Also note how in the second command we use a local query contained in the file csc_query.sql. More example queries:
SELECT DISTINCT, m.ra, m.dec, m.extent_flag, m.err_ellipse_r0, m.err_ellipse_r1, m.conf_flag, m.flux_aper_b, m.flux_aper_w, m.significance FROM master_source m WHERE (m.significance > 10.0 AND m.pileup_flag = 0) SELECT DISTINCT top 1000, m.ra, m.dec, m.err_ellipse_r0, m.conf_flag, m.sat_src_flag, m.significance,m.flux_aper_b,m.flux_aper_w FROM master_source m WHERE (m.significance > 10.0 AND m.pileup_flag = 0) ORDER BY name ASC