; Within IDL can try running these example that use the tables in mpe and DIF ; databases: ; ; IMPORTANT NOTE: fisrt you need to give the command: ; ; shell> idl2mcs ; ; (then just hit Return and see what is created in the current directory) ; ; Note that you can also pass more keywords to the programs. ; See the code, or use, for example: ; ; IDL> doc_library,'mcshpdemo1' ; dbexample1 ; Need to be able to read the Messsier table in DIF. Can copy it into mpe: ; mysql> create table mpe2014.messier select * from DIF.Messier; messier_aitoff ; Use the HTP depth 6 "regions" table (see Data) ; shell> gunzip regions.sql.gz ; ; mysql> source regions.sql dbexample_reg, user='mpe', pass='mpe2014pass', db='mpe2014' ; Use the UCAC_2orig table (see Data) mcshpdemo1, user='mpe', pass='mpe2014pass', db='mpe2014' ; Use the UCAC_2orig table (see Data) mcshpdemo2, user='mpe', pass='mpe2014pass', db='mpe2014' ; Use the UCAC_2orig table (see Data) mcshpdemo3, user='mpe', pass='mpe2014pass', db='mpe2014'